As long ago as in the 19th Century various investigators proposed several empir ica l formulas for determining the average stream veloci ty in rivers which did not include roughness coeflicient~ (the formulas of Hessle, Hermanek. Greger, Matakevich, e t al . , [1, 2]). The exclusion of these coefficients is possible owing to the circumstance that in a natural flow roughness is closely related with the character of the flow: its discharge rate, slope, width, depth, etc, The empir ica l formulas for the Chezy coefficient which do not include the roughness coefficient have a complete ly different structure, which hampers their comparison with each other. However, i f we use the morphomet~ic relations which include the main geometric and hydraulic elements of the flow, such a comparison is possible. Of the large number of such relations proposed, we used the formulas of N. V. Lapturev [3] based on treatment of ex tensive data of ful l-scale observations on lowland rivers: h=0.52Q~ s~*, B = 4,66Q ~ = 12.5h t ,5 i=0.00028Q-O,= =0.00057h-O.,.
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