We speculate that above or just below the electroweak phase transition magnetic fields are generated which have a net helicity (otherwise said, a Chern-Simons term) of order of magnitude $N_B + N_L$, where $N_{B,L}$ is the baryon or lepton number today. (To be more precise requires much more knowledge of B,L-generating mechanisms than we currently have.) Electromagnetic helicity generation is associated (indirectly) with the generation of electroweak Chern-Simons number through B+L anomalies. This helicity, which in the early universe is some 30 orders of magnitude greater than what would be expected from fluctuations alone in the absence of B+L violation, should be reasonably well-conserved through the evolution of the universe to around the times of matter dominance and decoupling, because the early universe is an excellent conductor. Possible consequences include early structure formation; macroscopic manifestations of CP violation in the cosmic magnetic field (measurable at least in principle, if not in practice); and an inverse-cascade dynamo mechanism in which magnetic fields and helicity are unstable to transfer to larger and larger spatial scales. We give a quasi-linear treatment of the general-relativistic MHD inverse cascade instability, finding substantial growth for helicity of the assumed magnitude out to scales $\sim l_M\epsilon^{-1}$, where $\epsilon$ is roughly the B+L to photon ratio and $l_M$ is the magnetic correlation length. We also elaborate further on an earlier proposal of the author for generation of magnetic fields above the EW phase transition.
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