This article provides a review of the research on the chemical thermodynamics and thermochemistry of biomass, cellulose, and its derivatives such as ethers, esters, and oxycelluloses. For diverse biomass types, gross and net heating values were studied. It has been established that these energetical characteristics of biomass can be calculated using a superposition of the energetical characteristics of the main components of biomass such as cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, lipids, proteins, etc. The pelletization of biomass improves its fuel performance. It was shown that, if the ultimate goal is to generate the maximum amount of thermal energy, then it is more profitable to directly burn the initial biomass in the form of pellets than to burn the amount of solid or liquid biofuel that can be extracted from this biomass. After the cellulose study, the direct and exact thermochemical method for determining the crystallinity degree of this biopolymer was proposed. In addition, the standard combustion and formation enthalpies of various cellulose samples were studied. As a result, the thermodynamic characteristics of four crystalline allomorphs of cellulose, CI, CII, CIII, and CIV, were obtained and their thermodynamic stability was evaluated. The thermochemistry of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was studied. In addition. The thermodynamical characteristics of various cellulose derivatives were determined, and the thermochemistry of the reactions of cellulose alkalization, etherification, esterification, and oxidation was studied.