View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue Published on 01 January 1968. Downloaded by University of California - Irvine on 13/08/2015 00:21:38. CHEMICAL COMIkUIUNICATIONS, Molecular Configuration of (Me),N,Fe(CO),, a Tetrazadiene- Tricarbonyliron Complex By ROBERT J. DOEDENS (Department of Chewistry, Universitv of California, Irvine, Cali foruia 92664) THE iiiost unusual product of the reaction of methyl azide with enneaca rbonyldi-iron1 is a \volatile stable orange-red solid, hle,N,Fe(CO) 3 . On the basis of i.r., n.m.r., and mass spectral data, ;L molecular structure ( I ) analogous to that of butadienetricarbonyliron was suggested by Dekker a n d Iinos for this compound. A single-crystal S-ray structural analysis has now shown that the hIe,K;, ligand is bound in a chelating fashion, resulting in a nearly planar Fe-N, ring. This is the first example of a nietal complex of a tetrazadieiie. RS,R. Crystals of 31e,X4Fe(C0) (supplied by Dr. G. R. Iinox) are orthorhombic, 2 = S, a = 22.00, / J = 12.20, and c = 6.64 The systematic absences, I/ = 212 for h0Z reflections and k # 2n for hhO reflections, are consistent with space groups P2,ah (no.29) and Pwnb (110.57). L4 three- tlimensioiial Patterson map could only be inter- preted in terms of the former, noncentrosyni- metric space-group and thus the asymmetric unit contains two crystallographically independent iiiolecules. Intensity data for reciprocal lattice levels hk0-5 were collected by the multiple-film equi-inclination Weissenberg technique. The structure was solved by Patterson and Fourier methods, and an isotropic full-matrix least- squares refinement led t o a final R of 6.2% for the 336 independent non-zero reflections. Owing to the low value of the d a t a : parameter ratio and the niarginal quality of the crystals, this structure is one of relatively low precision, with a standard deviation of 0.07 -4 €or bond lengths between light atoms. Hence, only average bond lengths of a givcn type will be discussed. a. be (CO), (Ib) The monomeric Me,N,Fe(CO) molecule (see Figure) consists of an Fe(C0) group co-ordinated via a 1,4-1inkage t o the 1,4-dimethyltetrazadiene moiety, a species not known to exist as a free compound. Representations (Ia) and (Ib) for the bonding of this complex are inconsistent with the near-planarity of the five-membered ring apd the fact that N(2) and N(3) are more than 2.6 A away from the iron atom. If the N-Fe bonds are regarded as two-electron dative bonds, the iron atom attains its preferred 36-electron closed-shell configuration. It is reasonable that back-donation from the iron d, orbitals to the n-antibonding orbitals of the tetrazadiene ligand could then serve t o relieve the metal atom of an excess of negative charge. This model u-ould imply a Fe-N bond order greater than one, which is consistent with the mean observed Fe-X bond length of 1.83 & 0-03 -4. In a variety of related compounds,2 the lengths of unequivocal Fe-N single bonds range from 1-95 t o 2-02 A. The observed mean Fe-S FIGURE. The moleculav configwntioti of Me,X,Fe(CO) distance is thus closer to the length of a typical Fe-CO bond, in which the presence of multiple- bond character is generally accepted, than t o that of an Fe-N single bond. The X-N bonds average 1.32 & 0.03 A in length, again a value indicative of the expected multiple-bond character in these bonds. The mean Fe-C, C-0, and C-Tu' distances are 1.76 i. 0.03, 1-18 03, and 1-53 f 0.03 A, respectively ; all unremarkable values. None of the angles about the iron atom is within 20 of being linear, and the co-ordination seems best described as distorted square pyramidal.
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