LetY be a Chebyshev subspace of a Banach spaceX. Then the single-valued metric projection operatorP Y :X → Y taking eachx ∈X to the nearest elementy ∈ Y is well defined. LetM be an arbitrary set, and letμ be aσ-finite measure on someσ-algebra gS of subsets ofM. We give a complete description of Chebyshev subspacesY ⊂L 1(M, Σ,μ) for which the operatorP Y is linear (for the spaceL 1[0, 1], this was done by Morris in 1980). We indicate a wide class of Chebyshev subspaces inL 1(M, Σ,μ), for which the operatorP Y is nonlinear in general. We also prove that the operatorP Y , whereY ⊂C[K] is a nontrivial Chebyshev subspace andK is a compactum, is linear if and only if the codimension ofY inC[K] is equal to 1.
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