We investigate the charm quark system using the relativistic heavy quark action on 2+1 flavor PACS-CS configurations previously generated on $32^3 \times 64$ lattice. The dynamical up-down and strange quark masses are set to the physical values by using the technique of reweighting to shift the quark hopping parameters from the values employed in the configuration generation. At the physical point, the lattice spacing equals $a^{-1}=2.194(10)$ GeV and the spatial extent $L=2.88(1)$ fm. The charm quark mass is determined by the spin-averaged mass of the 1S charmonium state, from which we obtain $m_{\rm charm}^{\msbar}(\mu = m_{\rm charm}^{\msbar}) = 1.260(1)(6)(35)$ GeV, where the errors are due to our statistics, scale determination and renormalization factor. An additional systematic error from the heavy quark is of order $\alpha_s^2 f(m_Q a)(a \Lambda_{QCD})$, which is estimated to be a percent level if the factor $f(m_Q a)$ analytic in $m_Q a$ is of order unity. Our results for the charmed and charmed-strange meson decay constants are $f_D=226(6)(1)(5)$ MeV, $f_{D_s}=257(2)(1)(5)$ MeV, again up to the heavy quark errors of order $\alpha_s^2 f(m_Q a)(a \Lambda_{QCD})$. Combined with the CLEO values for the leptonic decay widths, these values yield $|V_{cd}| = 0.205(6)(1)(5)(9)$, $|V_{cs}| = 1.00(1)(1)(3)(3)$, where the last error is on account of the experimental uncertainty of the decay widths.
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