A correlated analysis of observables arising from loop induced effects from a vectorlike generation is given. The observables include flavor changing radiative decays $\mu\to e \gamma, \tau\to \mu \gamma, \tau\to e \gamma$, electric dipole moments of the charged leptons $e,\mu, \tau$, and corrections to magnetic dipole moments of $g_\mu-2$ and $g_e-2$. In this work we give a full analysis of the corrections to these observables by taking into account both the supersymmetry loops as well as the exchange of a vectorlike leptonic generation. Thus the fermion mass matrix involves a $5\times 5$ mixing matrix while the scalar sector involves a $10\times 10$ mixing matrix including the CP violating phases from the vectorlike sector. The analysis is done under the constraint of the Higgs boson mass at the experimentally measured value. The loops considered include the exchange of $W$ and $Z$ bosons and of leptons and a mirror lepton, and the exchange of charginos and neutralinos, sleptons and mirror sleptons. The correction to the diphoton decay of the Higgs $h\to \gamma\gamma$ including the exchange of the vectorlike leptonic multiplet is also computed.
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