This paper presents the diversification of fluvial sediments caused by the occurrence of coarse woody debris (CWD), boulder steps (BSs), and mixed structures (MSs), understood as a combination of CWD and BSs in a stream channel in a small forested catchment in the Polish Carpathians. This research is crucial for understanding the role of this kind of threshold present in a stream channel in shaping fluvial sediment characteristics in small forested mountain catchments. Our hypothesis is that the threshold type in a stream channel determines fluvial sediment diversification. This was verified in field research, including identification of the channel’s morphodynamic structure and the morphometric characteristics of CWD, BSs, and MSs as well as the collection of fluvial sediments upstream and downstream of them. In order to preserve research objectivity, tests were performed during comparable flow conditions in the summer (EX1) and autumn (EX2) periods. The statistical analysis showed that the type of threshold significantly affects the processing, size, and shape diversification of mineral material. This diversity is particularly noticeable in fluvial sediments within CWD and MSs, which retain material of more diverse sizes and shapes.
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