Workers’ health is jeopardized in steel rolling workshops due to the production of particulate matter. These particles’ physicochemical properties have a direct impact on their effects on human health, emphasizing the importance of understanding these properties for exposure control. This study investigated particulate matter emissions in hot and cold steel rolling workshops, focusing on mass concentrations, particle size distributions, and elemental compositions. The findings revealed that particles predominantly range from 0.3 to 1.0 μm in size, with irregular block-like and fibrous morphologies. Elemental analysis showed distinct compositions: the main components in the hot rolling workshop were oxygen, calcium, silicon, carbon, and iron while those in the cold rolling workshop were oxygen, silicon, aluminum, carbon, and iron. The particulate matter concentrations were higher in the hot rolling workshop than in the cold rolling workshop. The Rosin–Rammler particle size distribution function was applied to characterize particle size distribution at emission sources. This paper highlights the dynamic variations and spatial distribution patterns of particulate matter during rolling processes, providing key data for understanding particulate matter behavior in industrial environments and informing targeted pollution control strategies.
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