"Five Elements of Misty Mountain" is a domestic anime to be released on the Internet in the summer of 2020, with the cooperation of the production team led by Lin Hun. The work is to explore the Chinese elements of "Five Elements of Misty Mountain" and their significance to the future development and innovation of Chinese animation. The work conducts a specific study on the Chinese elements of "Five Elements of Misty Mountain", analyzing and extracting the details of Chinese martial arts and fighting in the battle scenes, analyzing the ink and wash style of painting in the animation, and discovering Chinese elements in the character settings of the animation. Finally, the work argues that the animation film "Five Elements of Misty Mountains" shows that implementing the connotation of Chinese traditional culture, driving the development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, constantly updating the technology and style of Chinese animation, bringing contemporary expressions, leading the public to aggravate the deep understanding of Chinese traditional culture by enjoying Chinese animation, and thinking deeply about how to meet the spiritual needs and social demands of the current audience in order to achieve a breakthrough and make Chinese animation truly go to the field of the world.