The impact of human intervention in the Ariège river flow on its morphological evolution. If one examines the present day flow of the Ariège River (central Pyrénées), one observes a mutation of its fluvial dynamics following the construction of several dams ; the sinuosity and the width of its channel have been reduced while its bed cuts deeper and its banks have become steeper. Vegetation has accentuated this evolution. By colonizing the minor bed, trees have closed the active band, thus favouring changes in the river. At the same time, analysis of hydrological readings over the past 100 years shows a weakening of high waters in the last decades. This diminution is largely due to the exploitation of dams. The reduction of hydrous constraints on channel borders has favoured the development of woody vegetation in the minor bed. We are faced with a process of de stabilization caused by human intervention in a fluvial system and in which vegetation plays a role both of catalyst and aggravating factor.