Abstract A pure preparation of rat liver parenchymal cells was prepared by collagenase digestion of livers from fasted (24 hours) Sprague-Dawley rats, and the general features of gluconeogenesis in these cells have been elucidated. Rates of gluconeogenesis by a 5% suspension of cells were studied over a range of concentrations (0 to 11.3 mm) of different substrates. Rates were most rapid with concentrations of d-glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone up to 1.5 mm and d-fructose up to 3.7 mm. d-Glyceraldehyde inhibited gluconeogenesis at 1.5 to 2.0 mm. At greater than 1.5 mm, dihydroxyacetone continued to be converted but at a slower rate. At 3.7 to 7.6 mm, fructose was converted at a constant maximal rate; slight inhibition occurred at 11.3 mm. The maximal rate of gluconeogenesis from glycerol was observed at 0.75 mm and was half the maximal rate observed for fructose. Alanine and serine were converted to glucose very slowly; pyruvate and lactate were converted at rates between those from glycerol and from the amino acids. When lactate or pyruvate was incubated with the liver cells at 2 to 3 mm or greater, the rate of gluconeogenesis became approximately constant. When lactate and pyruvate were incubated together in ratios varying from 2 to 6, gluconeogenesis occurred rapidly and in proportion to the substrate concentration. In contrast to perfused liver, isolated cells subjected to the extreme oxidized or reduced state caused by incubation with pyruvate alone or lactate alone, respectively, were incapable of rapid carbohydrate synthesis. The liver cells were responsive to glucagon stimulation of gluconeogenesis from d-glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone: with d-glyceraldehyde as substrate, glucagon caused a 50 % increase, but the effect was not reproducible. The effects of monobutyryl adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) on metabolism of dihydroxyacetone and a mixture of lactate and pyruvate (3:1) also were studied. The nucleotide caused a 30% increase in gluconeogenesis from dihydroxyacetone but much less of a change in gluconeogenesis from lactate-pyruvate. Thus, the properties of our cell system permitted a discrimination between a readily demonstrable cyclic AMP effect on dihydroxyacetone metabolism and an effect (reported by others) on pyruvate metabolism which was not as demonstrable. These results are consistent with the view that the actions of glucagon on the gluconeogenic pathway are not unifocal.