Extraordinary transmission (ET) through a periodic array of subwavelength apertures on a perfect metallic screen has been studied extensively in recent years, and has largely been attributed to diffraction effects, for which the periodicity of the apertures, rather than their dimensions, dominates the response. The transmission properties of the apertures at resonance, on the other hand, are not typically considered 'extraordinary' because they may be explained using more conventional aperture-theoretical mechanisms. This work describes a novel approach for achieving ET in which subwavelength apertures are made to resonate by lining them using thin, epsilon-negative and near-zero (ENNZ) metamaterials. The use of ENNZ metamaterials has recently proven successful in miniaturizing circular waveguides by strongly reducing their natural cutoff frequencies, and the theory is adapted here for the design of subwavelength apertures in a metallic screen. We present simulations and proof-of-concept measurements at microwave frequencies that demonstrate ET for apertures measuring one-quarter of a wavelength in diameter and suggest the potential for even more dramatic miniaturization simply by engineering the ENNZ metamaterial dispersion. The results exhibit a fano-like profile whose frequency varies with the properties of the metamaterial liner, but is independent of period. It is suggested that similar behaviour can be obtained at optical frequencies, where ENNZ metamaterials may be realized using appropriately arranged chains of plasmonic nanoparticles.
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