nary heart disease death. The multivariate adjusted risks lor luture atrial fibrillation were 1.464old (p<O.O01) and 1.72-fold (p<O.O01) lot each SD increment in NT- proANP and NT-proBNP. respectively. NT-proANP was associated with LV ejection lraclion (15=-0.237. p<O.O01 ). LV mass (15=0.143. p=O.OOG) and lelt atrium diameter ((5=0.166. p<O.O01), whereas NT-proBNP was related to LV ejection lraction (15=- 0.242. p<O.O01). LV mass (15=0.148. p=O.O01) and left atrium diameter (15=0.133. p=O.O02), respectively. Conclusions: The present study shows that NT-proANP and NT-proBNP are strong predictors of death lrom any and cardiovascular causes and atrial fibrilla- lion. NT-proANP and NT-proBNP provide additional prognostic value for identilying men with high risk of death and its co-morbidities. Background: Brain natriurelic peplide (BNP) can be used to monitor cardiac func- lion in patients with ventricular dyslunction. While conventional asynchronous right ventricular pacing (VVI) has been lound to increase the BNP levels in patients with normal lelt ventricular systolic function (LVSF), it is not known whether VVI ~0(erts similar BNP responses in patients with decreased LVSF. Methods: To examine the BNP responses after short-term VVI pacing we stud- ied 58 clinically stable patients (mean age 66±8 years) who had been implanted with a dual-chamber automatic defibrillator. There were 48 patients with ischemic and 10 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. After the baseline echocardiographic standard, color M-Mode and tissue Doppler (TD) evaluation during atrioventricu- lar rhythm (64±9 bpm) devices were programmed to continuous VVI pacing for 30 minutes individually adjusted slightly above the baseline rhythm (73±11). The BNP levels were measured at baseline, immediately alter pacing termination (Time O). and 30 and 60 minutes thereafter. Results: Patients had mean lelt venlricular ejection fraction 38±11%. The baseline BNP levels were 166 (89-364)pg/ml and rose to 218 (106-387) pg/ml at Time 0 (p<O.O01). In multivariate analysis the baseline BNP correlated wit the TD-Ea (15=- O.43,p<O.OO1)and the ratio ENp (15=0.38,p<0.005). The transient post-VVI pacing BNP increases were characterized by a peak value immediately alter VVI pacing cessation and a slow decreasing trend. The median incremental rise ol BNP at Time 0 (BNP at Time 0 minus BNP at BL, 33 (8-68) pg/ml) showed independent posilive association with the ratio E/Ea (p<0.001). Conclusions: BNP increases following WI pacing in asymptomatic patients with decreased LVSF are mainly related to diastolic abnormalities and elevated filling pressures.
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