ABSTRACT What to say to the public about asteroid hazards and how to say it to them? In this article, we relate how our small professional research institution (Klet Observatory, Czech Republic), devoted specifically to Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), together with the educational branch (Ceske Budejovice Observatory and Planetarium, Czech Republic), has developed and implemented a comprehensive educational programme to communicate about our scientific activities. In the beginning of the 1990s, we started some NEO presentations just as a public outreach of Klet Observatory work and an explanation to taxpayers of the usefulness of such research. After thirty years of gaining experience, we understand that education of the wider public, students, journalists, emergency services and decision-makers on hazardous asteroids and planetary defence belongs to the most important tasks of NEO scientists and research institutions (Ticha, J., & Tichy, M. (2018). Klet observatory: 25 years of experience in NEO public education and communication. Journal of Space Safety Engineering, 5(3-4), 209–210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsse.2018.10.002). This paper presents a case study of NEO and asteroid hazard educational activities in South Bohemia, implemented through the Observatory and Planetarium in Ceske Budejovice, influenced by the long-term Klet NEO programme. We will also mention locally specific connections to NEOs and our future NEO education plans.