Key words: patent term extension, supplementary protection, supplementary protectioncertificate, drug patents, patent legislation reform
 The article is mainly aimed at distinguishingtwo mechanism: patent term extension which used to be applied inUkraine before the patent reform, and supplementary protection certificates whichwere introduced to national legislation in 2020.Patent term extension in the way it was provided in the Ukrainian Patent Law is arather simple mechanism that didn’t require much regulations. It used to provide additionalperiod of patent monopolies which was equal to the period which elapsed betweenthe date on which the patent application was filed and the date of the marketingauthorisation, not more than 5 years. Since there were no limitation on the type ofpatent (basic patent) or requirement of the first marketing authorization, this regimeprovided an opportunity to extend not only basic patent term, but also all secondarypatents related to one drug. This created a situation when duration of patent monopolyfor one drug exceeded 35 years.Provided that national pharmaceutical industry is oriented on manufacturing ofgeneric drugs, supplementary protection certificates are more appropriate forUkraine. Firstly, this is due to the limitation of effective patent life to 15 years whichis more feasible considering the national context. Another positive thing about SPCsis some uncertainty in relation to definition of the subject matter and scope of SPCprotection. That means that the country can have some freedom in determining theways of its interpretation. However, it should be noted that such indeterminacy is agrey zone. Thus, it is necessary to consider how the country can benefit from the supplementaryprotection regimen. Since the pharmaceutical sphere is very sensitive,the SPC issues have direct effect on public health and access to treatment. So, the articlejustifies the general idea that implementation of new legislation provisions shallbe aligned with both ensuring pharmaceutical innovations and guaranteeing that thepublic health needs are still a priority. Therefore, considering the long-term negativeeffect of the patent term extension regimen, the new SPC approach should be as balancedas possible.