Biophysics of blood circulation in Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by disorders of laminar blood flow and cerebral hypoperfusion. As a result, failure intracellular metabolism, there is a cascade of changes in neurons associated with the processes of excitotoxicity and oxidant stress, which in turn stimulates amyloidogenesis. Experimental and 25-year observations have shown that the long-existing state of hypoperfusion leads to hippocampal disorders. This process is accompanied by memory impairment, structural changes in the capillaries in the hippocampus, impaired glucose and protein metabolism, β–amyloid deposition, activation of glial tissue, death of hippocampal neurons. Neuroreflex disruption in the ‘cerebral heart’ and a violation of cerebrovascular homeostasis contributes to the development of vascular dementia through the following mechanisms, including cerebral microangiopathy, endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, neuronal damage, the increase in β–amyloid neurotoxicity, apoptosis, etc. The duration of therapy with antiglutamatergic and multimodal drugs in Alzheimer’s disease requires constant multidisciplinary monitoring of targets and medical and social control in the system of long-term care. Lifelong acquisition of knowledge, information positive Nano communication enable the preservation of mental health and active longevity. Innovative methods of P4-medicine of neuroplasticity management allow to carry out timely prevention of the factors reducing neuroplasticity, to keep factors of positive influence on visceral and cognitive brain, and the main thing — in due time to apply in practical health care the combined methods of preservation and development of the human cognitive brain.
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