For a field R of characteristic p ≥ 0 and a matrix c in the full n × n matrix algebra M n ( R ) over R , let S n ( c , R ) be the centralizer algebra of c in M n ( R ) . We show that S n ( c , R ) is a Frobenius-finite, 1-Auslander-Gorenstein, and gendo-symmetric algebra, and that the extension S n ( c , R ) ⊆ M n ( R ) is separable and Frobenius . Further, we study the isomorphism problem of invariant matrix algebras . Let σ be a permutation in the symmetric group Σ n and c σ the corresponding permutation matrix in M n ( R ) . We give sufficient and necessary conditions for the invariant algebra S n ( c σ , R ) to be semisimple . If R is an algebraically closed field , we establish a combinatoric characterization of when two semisimple invariant R -algebras are isomorphic in terms of the cycle types of permutations.
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