From February 21 to 22, 2019, in Khanty-Mansyisk, the II SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL FORUM “OIL CAPITAL” was held by the government of the Khanty-Mansyisk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra with the support of the Russian National Committee of the World Petroleum Council (the RNC of WPC).In addition to the key event - the International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference - the extensive programme of the Forum included a competition and a specialised exhibition of innovative projects, Round Table discussions on hot topic issues of the Fuel & Energy Complex, a presentation of the corporate standards of the “Personnel for the Fuel & Energy Complex” company, and a social and cultural programme for participants and guests. For the first time, the International Petroleum Academic Congress named after F.K. Salmanov was held as part of the Forum.The organisers of the “Oil Capital” Forum highlight that the main tasks of the event are the capability enhancement for international cooperation between young scientists and specialists, and the promotion of innovative developments in the Fuel & Energy sector. At the same time, the Forum is considered as a catalyst for the optimisation of practical activities in the oil and gas industry of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra - a region that plays a key role in the oil and gas complex of Russia.The forum brought together a wide range of participants - representatives of different countries and generations, students, scientists, experts. Representatives of federal authorities, the government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, and professional industry associations also participated in the professional discussion of hot topic industry issues.Opening the Forum, the governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Natalia Komarova emphasised the practical significance of the event. She cited several examples of introducing innovative solutions into hydrocarbon extraction, which were presented by young specialists a year ago - at the 1st “Oil Capital” Forum.The delegation of the World Petroleum Council in Khanty-Mansyisk involved the Senior Vice-President of the World Petroleum Council Anatoly Zolotukhin, the Chairman of the Russian National Committee of the World Petroleum Council Valeriy Yazev, the Director of the RNC of WPC Vlada Streletskaya. Valeriy Yazev has made a presentation at the Plenary Session with the report “Oil and gas factor in geopolitics and sustainable development”. Anotoly Zolotukhin held a Round Table “Global trends in the oil and gas industry: today and tomorrow,” and Vlada Streletskaya presented a report revealing the importance and features of training a new generation of young professionals - industry leaders.The presentation of the first issue of journals of the VI Youth Forum of the WPC “Future Leaders” was held at the central venue of the “Oil Capital” Forum. Participants of the Khanty-Mansyisk Forum had the opportunity to be among the first to get acquainted with the publications of these journals. The appearance of new editions produced by the RNC of WPC was greeted with interest and approval.“We consider participation in the organisation and holding of events of the “Oil Capital” Forum as an important element in the preparation of the 6th Future Leaders Forum of the World Petroleum Council – VI Youth Forum of WPC, which will be held this summer in St. Petersburg,” Vlada Streletskaya noted. “Both forums, which provide opportunities for professional communication and quality professional training of young specialists from different countries, are platforms for dialogue between generations, and focus on attracting young, self-motivated people to the industry. The experience of the “Oil Capital” Forum and the impressions of participating in this event will help to better prepare for the Future Leaders Forum”.
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