Recent results indicate a correlation between nuclear radio-loudness of active galaxies and their central stellar surface-brightness profiles, in that `core' galaxies (with inner logarithmic slope {\gamma}<0.3) are significantly more radio loud than `power-law' galaxies ({\gamma}>0.5). This connection, which indicates possible links between radio-loudness and galaxy formation history (e.g. through black hole spin) has so far only been confirmed for a radio-selected sample of galaxies. Furthermore, it has since been shown that the Nuker law, which was used to parameterise the brightness profiles in these studies, gives a poor description of the brightness profile. Here, we present an analysis of the central surface brightness profiles of the active galaxies of Hubble Type T<3, that were identified by the optically-selected Palomar spectroscopic survey of nearby galaxies. We fit the brightness profiles using Sersic, Core-Sersic and, where necessary, Double-Sersic models, which we fit to the semi-major axis brightness profiles extracted from high resolution images of the galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We use these fits to classify the galaxies as `Core', `Sersic' or `Double-Sersic' and compare this classification with the properties of the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). We find that AGN hosted in Core galaxies are generally more radio-loud than those hosted in Sersic galaxies, although there is a large overlap between the two subsamples. The correlation between radio-loudness and brightness profile can partly be explained by a correlation between radio-loudness and black hole mass. Additionally, there is a significant (99 per cent confidence) partial correlation between radio-loudness and the Core/Sersic classification of the host galaxy, which lends support to the previous results based on the radio-selected sample.
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