The study was conducted to explore teacher effectiveness in the development of skills in early childhood education (ECE). The aim of this research work was to know to what extent the teacher is effective in the development of skills in early childhood students. Thus, the performance of learners was evaluated based on the impact of ECE resource rooms on the skills development of learners from the teacher's perception. A total of 170 teachers were chosen from elementary and secondary schools as a sample of this study. The effectiveness of the teachers in early childhood education (ECE) was evaluated using a self-created questionnaire. Data entry and subsequent statistical analysis were conducted using the Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS 21). The results revealed that male and female teacher perceptions about utilizing ECE resource rooms were different among student skills and competency development. It was concluded that a healthy learning environment is considered to be supportive in augmenting the development of the brain, as well as social and physical. The resource rooms should be established to boost prospective teachers' imagination and enable them to create stories. Teachers should be encouraged to raise discussions among students to gain their attention and support the learning process.