The experiment was conducted at the livestock production and management unit, MGCGV, Chitrkoot, Satna (M.P.) To complete the research work following steps were followed by 10 apprently healthy cross bred cows. All 10 replications were made under each treatment including control. Milk samples collected were tested for determination of per cent fat, SNF, acidity and SG of raw milk Results of the study revealed significant effect of different combinations of grooming and bathing on per day milk yield (kg) in cross-bred cows during summer and rainy excluding winter season whereas per cent butter fat in milk was significantly influenced by different treatments during winter but not in summer and rainy season. However per cent SNF, Acidity and Specific gravity of milk were non- significantly influenced by different treatment combinations of grooming and bathing in cross-bred cows neither during summer and rainy season or in winter.
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