Well cementing is an integral operation in the oil and gas industry, often considered the key element of wellbore integrity. Improper cement design can trigger well construction risks such as de-bonding and leakage pathways in near wellbore and through annulus. Mixing conditions for cement slurries and how they affect their properties are of great importance which has often been ignored in the cement design. Typical cement slurry properties such as basic rheology, thickening time, compressive strength, shear strength, free water and fluid loss can be directly influenced/modified when mixing conditions change. It is common knowledge in the oil and gas industry that the properties of cement slurry obtained in laboratory do not correlate very well with those in field mixing. This is due to the differences in the mixing equipment, and to the procedures following. However, cement properties mainly measured in laboratory are a critical part of the well integrity assessment process.The main objective of this study is to investigate the mixing energy mechanism and concept in the available literature of oil and gas well cementing, concrete and other industries and identify the existing gaps. The previous literature shows controversial theories when it comes to relying on mixing energy only where shear rate can play an important role. The differences in laboratory and field results are somehow explained as due to extremely different shear rate obtained when using laboratory vs. field equipment.This study shows that there is currently a big gap in the oil and gas literature on the mechanism of mixing. Additionally, some factors such as measuring power consumption, Reynolds number while mixing, kinetic energy, heat dissipation, and effects of the shape of the mixer are totally ignored in preparation of oil and gas cement slurry, whereas they are widely used in mixing non-Newtonian fluid systems in chemical engineering processes and the concrete industry.
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