The BALB/c-3T3 cell transformation assay evaluates the morphologic transforming potential of test chemicals using cultured mammalian cells as targets. The assay is semiquantitative and employs a contact-inhibited clone of cells derived from the original BALB/c-3T3 mouse cell line. Transforming activity, or a focus, is recognized as a dense layer of morphologically altered cells superimposed on a monolayer of the normal cell phenotype. The induction of transforming activity in a standard assay has been reported to correlate well with the carcinogenicity of many test chemicals in rodent bioassay; however, the standard assay does not detect carcinogens of all chemical classes. This report describes an operational protocol for the standard BALB/c-3T3 cell transformation assay. In addition, it provides assay acceptance criteria and a discussion of a method to evaluate transforming activity data.