As lower catalyst loading is required to maintain cost efficiency for PEMFCs, O2 transport becomes pivotal due to the spontaneously increased pressure-independent transport resistance. While O2 transport occurs from nanoscale to macroscale, emerging evidence suggests that the interfacial region at atomistic level near catalyst surface dominates the total transport resistance. Extensive experimental efforts have been taken to understand the transport resistance contributions from each level. However, due to the complexity of the multiscale porous structure and the triple-phase interfaces in catalyst layer, coupled with the limited laboratory techniques for probing the interface at nanoscale in MEA, no conclusive correlation has been established across the scales. Mathematical modelling is a promising approach to connect nanoscale interactions with macroscopic phenomena in a computationally efficient manner. In this work, a multiscale modeling study is presented to understand the effect of platinum interfacial transport resistance on cell performance. The Pt interfaces are separately considered as exterior and interior to represent solid carbon and porous carbon situations. Ionomer and SO3 - coverage are considered for the exterior Pt interfaces, and interior Pt is correlated with pore water uptake in terms of Pt utilization, O2 transport, and proton transport. The interface-dependent properties are up-scaled to a 2D MEA cell-level model through a modified agglomerate model framework. The model reasonably predicts the MEA measurements using Pt/Vulcan and Pt/KB with varying interior Pt loading. The ionomer poisoning not only attributes to the site blocking from SO3 - (reducing ECSA) but also from the low O2 solubility at Pt-ionomer interface compared to the water-covered exterior Pt interface. As for the Pt loaded inside the high surface area carbon (HSC) pores, we found a similar O2 interfacial permeability with the Pt-ionomer interface. Possible explanation includes ionomer penetration, confined water structure inside nanopore that hinders the O2 diffusion, or the long diffusion pathway because of the tortuous pore network. We also performed parametric studies to understand how transport at different scales—interface, ionomer film, and agglomerate—affect the total transport resistance. Lastly, a HSC pore water uptake model was integrated into the cell-level model to address the effect of RH and pore size distribution. We examined the optimal HSC pore size distribution that can balance the Pt utilization, proton transport, and oxygen transport at given operation conditions. The model offers guidance for catalyst design by optimizing ink interaction and CL multiscale porous structure.
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