The emerging picture of the T-cell antigen receptor complex is that of an extraordinarily elaborate structure. The best-understood subunit is the Ti heterodimer, con- sisting of integral membrane glycoproteins bearing substantial structural and functional similarity to immunoglobulins 1. Somatic cell fusion and gene transfer experiments have shown that, in cells expressing the more common '~13' receptor, antigen specificity is deter- mined by the polymorphic Ti oLl~ subunit 2-4. While the function of the '~/~' form of the receptor is unknown, presumably its ligand reactivity is also specified by the Ti ~/~ subunit. Both types of Ti subunits are expressed on their respective cells in noncovalent association with an array of invariant proteins collectively referred to as the CD3 (formerly T3) complex. It is the function of the CD3 portion of the antigen receptor complex that remains a subject of speculation. The CD3 complex comprises at least four, and possibly five, different integral membrane proteins 1.s. The human CD3 complex contains the ~/, 6, e and disulfide-linked chains. The murine complex contains homologous com- ponents that are proposed to assemble as a ~/~e~2 complex6; an alternate form, comprising the ~/, a, e and chains with another component, p21 (in a disulfide- linked p21-~ dimer), has been observed in low abund- ance on a murine hybridoma 7. From their studies of the biosynthesis and assembly of the rnurine CD3-Ti complex, R. Klausner and colleagues have proposed that the ~/, ~ and e chains are produced in large excess, and that the ~ chain is the limiting compo- nent in the completion of an expressable CD3 complex 6. Their recent molecular cloning of the ~ chain has sug- gested a transmembrane topology that places most of the molecule on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane, with a hydrophobic transmembrane domain and a short, highly charged extracellular segment 8. The other recognized CD3 chains appear to have prominent cytoplasmic and extracellular domains. The large intra- cellular portions of CD3 chains compared to the Ti chains (which have only 5-12 intracellular amino acids) have been suspected to allow CD3 to perform transmembrane signalling activities for the antigen-binding Ti subunit. In the absence of attractive alternatives, this hypothesis is widely held to be the correct interpretation of CD3 function, one that merely awaits experimental confirma- tion. What this model fails to address is the function of the large extracellular domains of the CD3 ~/, a and e chains, which could be envisaged interacting with Ti or binding a nonpolymorphic ligand provided by the antigen-presenting cell. The best-characterized signal transduction response to binding of ligands to the CD3-Ti complex is the acti- vation of the phosphatidylinositol (PI) second messenger system 9, in which hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5- bisphosphate yields the second messengers diacyl- Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Division of Rheumatology/Im- munology, University of California San Francisco, 3rd and Parnassus Avenues, San Frar~cisco, CA 94143-0724, USA.
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