Abstract The determination of fracture-mechanical properties is often very challenging, because the available standards like ASTM E1820 need specific size-requirements for the specimen dimensions to obtain valid fracture toughness. Especially in the ductile regime, where the presence of plasticity around the crack tip is affected by the multiaxial stress state and its triaxiality, the size-requirements are frequently not met. The fulfilment of the size-requirements needs the testing of big specimens, which is often not possible. If we now think of specimens, which are irradiated in test modules for future fusion reactors, their size cannot be as big as required, because the available volume for irradiation is restricted. This fact highlights the need of Small Specimens Test Techniques (SSTT) for the determination of fracture-mechanical properties in the ductile regime. The presented work focuses on an approach for the determination of fracture-mechanical properties in the ductile regime including stable crack growth and crack-resistance behavior. The authors have developed the initial approach some years ago and within this work the approach was simplified as much as possible. The basic idea of the approach is, that the crack growth can be simulated using Finite Element Method combined with a cohesive zone model. The cohesive zone model is a two parametric model, namely the cohesive stress σ c and the cohesive energy Γ c , which are identified on small specimens only. The new simplified approach was now validated on ferritic-martensitic steel Eurofer97 at room temperature. In the past, the approach used complicated features like a CCD camera system and has now been simplified in a way that no CCD camera system is required. The main part of the approach is the identification of cohesive zone parameters (cohesive stress σ c and energy Γ c ) on small specimens. The cohesive stress σ c can be determined on notched round tensile specimens with different notch root radius to account for different stress states or stress triaxialities in the specimen. With dedicated Finite Element modelling a local fracture stress dependent on stress triaxiality can be identified. The cohesive energy Γ c can be carried out by simulating the small fracture-mechanical specimen using the Finite Element Method combined with the cohesive zone model and parameter fitting to experimental results. The cohesive energy Γ c is treated to be identified, if the simulated crack-resistance curve describes the experimental behavior. After identification of these parameters, a big fracture-mechanical specimen can be simulated using the cohesive zone parameters already determined on small specimens. Finally, the crack-resistance curve of a big specimen can be predicted and a valid fracture toughness can be identified if the size-requirements of the big specimens are met. In case the requirements are not fulfilled, a bigger specimen geometry can be simulated until all size criteria are met. With this method, the testing of big specimens can be avoided. For the future there is a Round Robin exercise planned including defined test matrices to demonstrate the general applicability of the approach.
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