Mid-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy utilizing a high-finesse optical cavity enables high precision trace analysis of gas molecules. In particular, optical detection of radiocarbon (14C) based on cavity ringdown spectroscopy using a quantum cascade laser (QCL) is gaining attention as an alternative to accelerator mass spectrometry. This paper reports a compact-packaged narrow-linewidth QCL system utilizing resonant optical feedback from an external V-shaped cavity. Based on frequency noise analysis, the derived laser linewidth is 44 kHz for 100 μs integration time with the capability to perform seamless frequency scanning around 10 GHz. We installed this laser system within a table-top cavity ringdown spectrometer for 14CO2. A single-shot detection limit of 1.2 × 10−9 cm−1 Hz−1/2 leading to a detectable abundance evaluated from a noise analysis of 0.2 in fraction modern 14C for a 10-s averaging time was achieved. This capability of rapid analysis for 14CO2 is suitable for various applications requiring trace 14C analysis.