Caves lying well above valley floors and within narrow ridges of carbonate rocks in the deeply dissected southwest Edwards Plateau, Texas, provide considerable information about the geomorphic history of the region and the evolution of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer. In the Sonora area, horizontally extensive cave passages occur at three distinct levels along massive burrowed dolomitic beds in the Cretaceous Segovia Formation. Passages lying beneath a resistant caprock consist of long corridors, barren of speleothems. However, in the vicinity of the caprock edge, passages are modified by collapse and stoping, mazework, and speleothem deposition. Conduits are generally oriented down the regional dip and guided by dominant NE-trending fractures. Upper cave levels developed first, but lower passages were excavated as piezometric surfaces dropped in response to valley cutting. Cavern collapses blocked flowpaths in places and ensuing floodwaters enlarged passages, formed maze sections, and promoted development of diversion routes around these constrictions. Collapse at the caprock edge has enhanced retreat of valley slopes and headward erosion of streams. In the Langtry area, caves developed in the Cretaceous Devils River Formation are up to 113 m deep. The Devils River Formation is a stratigraphically-homogeneous high-purity limestone, in which fractures are few but vertically extensive. Incision of the Rio Grande and nearby streams has locally exposed up to 70 m of the Devils River Formation, inducing steep hydraulic gradients that have promoted bathyphreatic circulation and development of deep cave systems. Horizontal passages are relatively short and are connected by vertical shafts and steeply inclined corridors. The two localities have experienced similar climates and dissection in topography, but the relationship of stream incision to geologic structure, stratigraphy and lithology has differed significantly enough to produce long horizontal caves within the shallow phreatic zone around Sonora and deep vertical caves in the deep phreatic zone around Langtry.
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