An eccentric inlet swirl, a source of circumferential non-uniformity in aero-engines, can compromise the stable operational range of the compression system and potentially jeopardize the safety of the entire flight vehicle. This study experimentally examined the additional effects of an eccentric inlet swirl on an axial fan in comparison with a concentric inlet condition. Then, the effectiveness of an impedance-boundary-controlled (IBC) casing treatment (CT) in extending the stable operating range of the fan under eccentric inlets is evaluated. Steady-state loading and prestall disturbance analyses were conducted using a five-hole probe and high-frequency response pressure transducers to elucidate the instability mechanisms of fans exposed to eccentric inlets. The findings indicate that the eccentric swirl generates localized over-loading regions around the circumference, where abnormal prestall disturbances amplify in amplitude across a frequency range of 0.3 to 0.5 times the blade passing frequency. These characteristics were mitigated when IBC CT was applied over the rotor tip, allowing the fan to operate under concentric inlet conditions. The IBC CT enhances the stall margin of the fan by 9.3–19.6% in response to a range of swirl inlet conditions, suggesting its potential to address the irregularity problems in fans/compressors. The mechanisms by which IBC CT extends the stall margin are discussed from the unique perspective of evaluating steady loading and system damping.