Cases of financial fraud are increasing despite recent technical breakthroughs. It is tough to find authentic financial transaction data due to privacy issues and a lack of inter-organization synergy. However, for technologies based on data, such as machine learning to function accurately inside practical systems, they require actual data. This manuscript proposes a Fraud Detection (FD) Efficiency in Mobile Transactions through the Integration of Bidirectional 3D Quasi-Recurrent Neural Networks and Proof of Voting consensus Blockchain Technologies (Bi-3DQRNN-PoV-FD-MT). A dataset of Bitcoin transactions is employed in the suggested model. The banking sector’s Bitcoin transactions serve as the foundation for this dataset. Then the data balancing is performed using a Self-Adaptive Synthetic Over-Sampling Technique (SASOS). Then, the proposed framework utilizes the Bi-3DQRNN to determine if the information is fraudulent or not. Moreover, an intelligent Enhanced Artificial Gorilla Troops (EAGTO) Optimization algorithm is introduced to tune the weights of the model parameters. A blockchain-based proof of Voting (PoV) consensus algorithm is integrated with the proposed model for forecasting upcoming transactions. The developed scheme is instigated in Python and the performance provides 12.09%, 8.91%, and 6.92% higher accuracy compared with existing techniques like K-nearest neighbor- Distributed Blockchain Consortium (KNN-DBC), Decision tree-Ethereum blockchain-enabled smart contract (DT-EBSC) and Heterogeneous Graph Transformer Networks-Ethereum smart contract (HGTN-ESC).