Case Reports1 February 1940HYPERACTIVE CAROTID SINUS MECHANISM IN AURICULAR FLUTTER; A CASE REPORTN. HIATT, L. ADAMSN. HIATTSearch for more papers by this author, L. ADAMSSearch for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Information SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptThe combination of auricular flutter and a carotid sinus sufficiently hyperactive to lead to syncopal attacks and convulsions has not hitherto been reported. Such a case was recently seen at the Michael Reese Hospital and because of its rarity is presented in this communication.CASE REPORTThe patient, a 66 year old white streetcar motorman, first entered Michael Reese Hospital in July 1936, because of hunger, thirst and polyuria, which had been gradually increasing during the preceding three years. One week before entrance to the hospital, the patient had fainted while driving his streetcar. The doctor consulted at this time...Bibliography1. DANIELOPOLU D: Ueber die Unterdruckung des Anfalles einer paroxysmalen Tachycardie durch Druck auf den Sinus caroticus, Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1929, xlii, 227. Google Scholar2. SOLLMAN T: A manual of pharmacology, Fifth Edition, 1937, W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. Google Scholar3. LENEGRE J: Étude electrocardiographique du reflexe sinocarotidien, Arch. d. mal. du coeur, 1938, xxxi, 421. Google Scholar4. HEYMANSBOUCKAERTREGNIERS CJJP: Le sinus carotidien et la zone homologue cardio-aortique, 1933, Doin et Cie, Paris. Google Scholar5. HEYMANSBOUCKAERT CJJ: Sur la regulation reflexe de la pression arterielle cephalique, Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1928, xcix, 1871. Google Scholar6. FERRISCAPPSWEISS EBRBS: Carotid sinus syncope and its bearing on the mechanism of the unconscious state and convulsions, Medicine, 1935, xiv, 377. CrossrefGoogle Scholar7. FERRISCAPPSWEISS EBRBS: Relation of the carotid sinus to the autonomic nervous system and neuroses, Arch. Neurol., and Psych., 1937, xxxvii, 365. CrossrefGoogle Scholar8. KEATINGHAJEK JHJ: Auricular flutter: report of cases, Am. Jr. Med. Sci., 1922, clxiv, 656. CrossrefGoogle Scholar9. LEWIS T: Diseases of the heart, 1934, Macmillan, New York. Google Scholar10. LEVINEFROTHINGHAM SAC: A study of a case of auricular flutter, Arch. Int. Med., 1915, xvi, 818. CrossrefGoogle Scholar11. WEISSBAKER SJP: The carotid sinus reflex in health and disease; its rôle in the causation of fainting and convulsions, Medicine, 1933, xii, 297. CrossrefGoogle Scholar12. SILBERBERG MD: Notes on auricular flutter and other cardiac cases, Med. Jr. Australia, 1919, i, 1114. Google Scholar13. JOLLYRITCHIE WAWT: Auricular flutter and fibrillation, Heart, 1910-11, ii, 177. Google Scholar14. LEWISDRURYWEDDILIESCU TANAHCC: Observations upon the action of certain drugs upon fibrillation of the auricles, Heart, 1922, ix, 207. Google Scholar15. RITCHIE WT: Further observations on auricular flutter, Quart. Jr. Med., 1913, vii, 1. Google Scholar16. WILSON FN: Report of a case of auricular flutter in which vagus stimulation was followed by an increase in the rate of the circus rhythm, Heart, 1924, xi, 61. Google Scholar17. LEWISDRURYBULGER TANHA: Flutter and fibrillation; effects of vagal stimulation, Heart, 1921, viii, 141. Google Scholar18. WEISER E: Klinische Beobachtungen über Vorhofflattern und Verhofflimmern, Zentralbl. f. Herz. u. Gefässkrank., 1918, x, 37. Google Scholar19. SIGLER LH: Clinical observations on the carotid sinus reflex, Am. Jr. Med. Sci., 1933, clxxxvi, 110. Google Scholar20. ORGAINWOLFWHITE ESLPD: Uncomplicated auricular fibrillation and auricular flutter, Arch. Int. Med., 1936, lvii, 493. CrossrefGoogle Scholar21. SMITHMOERSCH HLRP: Further studies on the hypersensitive carotid sinus reflex syndrome; report of 31 additional cases, Proc. Staff Meet. Mayo Clinic, 1936, xi, 380. Google Scholar22. WEISSCAPPSFERRISMUNRO SRBEBD: Syncope and convulsions due to a hyperactive carotid sinus reflex, Arch. Int. Med., 1936, lviii, 407. CrossrefGoogle Scholar23. CARTERTRAUT JBEF: Auricular flutter with 1 to 1 response, Jr. Lab. and Clin. Med., 1936, xxi, 670. Google Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Chicago, Illinois*Received for publication March 23, 1939.From the Cardiovascular Department, Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, Ill. Aided by the A. D. Nast Fund for Cardiac Research. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byElectrocardiographic patterns at the termination of atrial flutterDie Rhythmusstörungen des Herzens (einschließlich der intramuralen Leitungsstörungen und des Alternans) 1 February 1940Volume 13, Issue 8Page: 1489-1500KeywordsAtrial fibrillationAutopsyBladder cancerConvulsionsElectrocardiographyResearch fundingSyncope ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 February 1940 PDF downloadLoading ...