Acute pancreatitis with local and systemic complications should be managed through a multi- disciplinary approach. Delays in assessment or mismanagement may lead to serious consequences. The existing treatment of this disease is mollifying and expensive. Cost-effective management of acute necrotizing pancreatitis with Ayurveda medicines within time constraintsand without any complications is encouraging. CASE PRESENTATION: In this case study, a 45-year-old male patient’s diagnosis of pancreatitis was established on the basis of the revised Atlanta classification. As per morphological classification, the patient was of necrotizingpancreatitis and severity grade was moderate as there were local complications. MANAGEMENT AND OUTCOME: The patient was hospitalized and prescribed Murchit Erand Sneha 100ml at 10 pm daily. The result was assessed by applying a numerical pain assessment scale to subjective and objective findings. On the 25th day patient was found free from signs and symptoms. DISCUSSION: In pancreatitis, Srotorodha is an important phenomenon, and Erand Sneha causes Sampraptivighatana by its Srotoshodhana effect. CONCLUSION: Management of acute necrotizing pancreatitis by using Erand Sneha within time constraints and without any complications is encouraging that needs to be further evaluated on a large number of subjects to bring some concrete conclusions and better treatment modality.
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