Abstract A sporadic infection by a pigmented fungus called chromoblastomycosis is seen in tropical and subtropical climates. It can affect lower extremities most commonly followed by upper extremities. Here, we report an unusual case of chromoblastomycosis causing otitis media in a young female. The ear is an uncommon site of involvement. She presented to the ear, nose, and throat outpatient department with a complaint of left earache for 1 week. On ear examination, the external auditory canal was occluded by debris. Debridement was done from the lesion and was sent for histopathological examination which revealed granulation tissue and fungal spores. Special stains were used to identify the fungus and the patient was treated with antifungals. We report this case to conclude that chromoblastomycosis though rare should be considered as one of the etiologies for otitis externa.
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