The effects of collisional resonances and radiative cascades on the linear polarization of He-like iron (Fe xxv lines from 1s2l to 1${\mathit{s}}^{2}$ levels have been investigated. Detailed calculations have been carried out for the 1s3l3l' resonance contributions to electron-impact excitation rates from the 1${\mathit{s}}^{2}$ ground level to the individual magnetic sublevels of 1s2l configurations. Excitation collision strengths from 1${\mathit{s}}^{2}$ to 1s3l sublevels as well as radiative cascade transitions from 1s3l to 1s2l' sublevels have also been computed. The autoionization transition-matrix elements (for the resonance effects) and the collison strengths (for the radiative cascades) have been computed in the distorted-wave approximation using intermediate coupling with fine-structure mixing multiconfiguration bound wave functions. The results indicate that the collisional resonance contributions, when averaged over a small energy range just covering them, have a somewhat significant depolarizing effect on the (1${\mathit{s}}^{2}$ $^{1}$${\mathit{S}}_{0}$--1s2p $^{1}$${\mathit{P}}_{1}$, electric dipole) w line, the (1${\mathit{s}}^{2}$ $^{1}$${\mathit{S}}_{0}$--1s2p $^{3}$${\mathit{P}}_{2}$, magnetic quadrupole) x line, and the (1${\mathit{s}}^{2}$ $^{1}$${\mathit{S}}_{0}$--1s2p $^{3}$${\mathit{P}}_{1}$, fine-structure electric dipole) y line. However, the averaged polarization degree over some single resonances can reach high values.Now for the (1${\mathit{s}}^{2}$ $^{1}$${\mathit{S}}_{0}$--1s2s $^{3}$${\mathit{S}}_{1}$, relativistic magnetic dipole) z line the individual resonances are found to induce a polarization degree less than 15% in absolute value but after averaging over all 1s3l3l' resonances z remains practically unpolarized. Concerning radiative cascades, it is shown that they can create a relative small degree of polarization on the z line, the highest value being close to 14%. For w, x, and y lines, the cascades have a weak depolarizing effect, except for x at large incident energy. It is expected that the contributions from 1snl cascades as well as 1s3lnl' resonances, with n\ensuremath{\ge}4, would not greatly change the results already obtained.