A sequence of homogeneous, isotropic, and compact solutions to the empty space hypergravity equations [D. Finkelstein, S. R. Finkelstein, and C. Holm, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 1265 (1987); S. R. Finkelstein, Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1987 (unpublished)] is studied. These solutions are hyperspin manifolds constructed from unitary groups UN:=U(N,C) and describe static compact Einstein universes of the Kaluza–Klein type with Finslerian geometry. By taking the universal covering group of UN an N2-dimensional manifold with topology R×SUN is obtained, where the Abelian group R is the time axis and SUN provides a compact homogeneous spatial part. To describe the Finslerian geometry of these manifolds the Cartan–Penrose exterior calculus is extended from spinors to hyperspinors and the Maurer–Cartan equations are applied to obtain the hyperspin structure of UN. Hyperspin geometry seems to be a consistent alternative to the usual Riemannian geometry for spaces with internal dimensions, which deserves further study.