Most organizations in today's information economy are regarded as working with knowledge (Powell & Snellman, 2004) and employing knowledge workers (Horibe, 1999). In a knowledge economy, knowledge is produced and transformed into value through the contributions of research institutions (universities), industry, and government; universities, where knowledge is produced, establish the first leg of the tripod (Etzkowitz, 2003). Knowledge-producing institutions have a competitive advantage in their smart, creative, spirited, and lively academicians and their competences (Baldwin, 1990; De Janasz & Sullivan, 2004). Studies reveal that academic articles written by academicians and published in prestigious journals account for more than 50% of the variance in university ranking (Siemensa, Burtonb, Jensenb, & Mendoza, 2005). At present, which variables affect the research performance of academicians in universities and what role does research performance have in the relationship between these variables with career satisfaction are the questions that have come up.In answer to these questions using the competence-based career theory, which Arthur, Claman, and DeFillippi (1995) conceptualized as intelligent career, for its base, this study hypothesizes that career competence, or career capital, positively affects individual academicians' productivity and career satisfaction and that individual academic productivity will have a mediator effect on the relationship between career competence and individual career satisfaction. With the aim of empirically testing these hypotheses, as well as hypotheses that establish the subdimensions of these research questions, two field studies, including a pre-study, were carried out on academicians working for universities in Turkey.Career SatisfactionCareer satisfaction is a reflection of the internal attitudes of individuals towards their career and the developments in their career; it forms a subjective aspect of career success (Stebbins, 1970). In accordance with contemporary career approaches, knowledge workers give more importance to psychological career success, which is also known as career satisfaction (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; Hall, 1996; Janasz & Sullivan, 2004). Career satisfaction, or psychological career success, emphasizes the individual over the organization and considers that the internal standards of an individual are formed through the perception of satisfaction as a function of their success in their social environment; it reveals to some extent an individual's level of happiness (Ballout, 2007). From this perspective, career satisfaction reveals an individual's quality of life.Contemporary Career Approach and Career CompetencesThe contemporary career approach has been widely studied through a theory first claimed by DeFillippi and Arthur (1994) as the competency-based career and later revised by Arthur et al. (1995) as the intelligent career. According to new career understanding, individuals need to be employable (Fugate, Kinicki, & Ashforth, 2004) to be able to realize their careers among different organizations. For this purpose, individuals improve their career competences by consciously investing in their careers while simultaneously performing their current duties (DeFillippi & Arthur, 1994; Erdogmuc & Aytekin, 2012; Tams & Arthur, 2010). These career competences generate career capital, which has value for both careerists and employers (Inkson & Arthur, 2001; Parker, Khapova, & Arthur, 2009).Existing literature related to career competence is concentrated on three main areas. The first of these is the research that aims to form the conceptual framework of career competences. In this field, what career competences can be investigated are, and numerous concepts are stated and defined. For instance, Jones and DeFillippi (1996) argued that careerists should have the competences of know-why, knowhow, know-whom, know-what, know-where, and know-when. …