To describe a type 1 diabetes melllitus (T1DM) transition care model by assessing clinic attendance, glycemic management, and diabetes-related hospitalizations. This is a descriptive longitudinal single-center study of patients with T1DM aged 18 to 25 referred to our transition clinic from 2012 to 2021 (N=179). Our data analysis demonstrates an average clinic attendance rate of 79% and mean time between last pediatric and first adult visit of 6.9 months ± 5.8. HbA1c at last pediatric visit, first and last transition visit were 8.92 ± 1.84%, 9.03 ± 1.84%, and 8.47 ± 1.74%, respectively. There was no change of frequency of diabetes-related hospitalizations after transfer to transition clinic. Youth attending our transition clinic had high clinic attendance and improved glycemic management at their last transition visit compared to the last pediatric visit without an increase in diabetes-related hospitalizations. This highlights the potential importance of comprehensive support in addressing psychosocial and lifestyle challenges during the critical transition period from pediatric to adult care.
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