An abstract information flow model is proposed for geriatric care, the geriatric information flow model (GIFM) by adopting an information model from cancer care and introduce characteristics for geriatric care (patient population, multidisciplinary and multi-professional approach, cross-sectoral approach). The ideal-typical geriatric patient treatment process flow is introduced. Actors (patients, physicians, therapists, organizations), information objects, and information relations as well as information flows are defined. Process flow, actors, information object, and information relations are proved with qualitative material from an accompanying study. The GIFM is validated by mapping four typical knowledge processes (multi-professional geriatric team session, interdisciplinary clinical case conferences, tumor boards, transition management) onto the model. The GIFM is stated as useful for understanding information flows and relations in geriatric care. All processes for validation can be mapped onto GIFM. In future work the GIFM should be tested with more knowledge process and could also be used for identifying gaps in the IT support of geriatric care. A study on high and low information quality in geriatric care is also proposed.
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