Purpose(Introduction): Diseases associated with a person's lifestyle are known as lifestyle diseases. Condi-tions, including heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type II diabetes, mainly impact our way of life. This article focuses on the idea of Hridroga (Heart Diseases) and how to handle it from an Ayurvedic perspective, including current updates so that one might avoid certain illnesses or treat them with greater precision. Design/methodology/approach: The study is grounded in analysing ancient Ayurvedic texts, including the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. It examines the concepts of Dosha Imbalances, dietary guidelines, and holistic practices prescribed for maintaining heart health. Discussion : Heart disease, or Hridroga , is one of the leading causes of death in India. In Ayurveda, heart disorders are re-ferred to as Hridroga. The heart is a Marma, or vital organ. Cardiovascular disease is one illness that is significantly on the rise in the modern day. Stress, alcohol consump-tion, smoking, and high-calorie intake are a few examples of lifestyle modifications that raise the risk of cardio-vascular disease. Nidan-Parivarjana (avoid causative factor) is the first line of treatment for all ailments since Nidan(Causative Factor) plays a significant role in how disorders emerge. Practical implications: The Ayurvedic scriptures provide in-depth explanations of the causes, signs, and treat-ment of Hridroga. Ayurveda describes in great detail how vitiated Pitta, Kapha, and Vata cause symptoms and how to treat them clinically to avoid these circumstances. Originality/value: This study, which focuses primarily on cardiac ailments, aids in managing lifestyle condi-tions.
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