15N-NMR spectra of a 0.07 M solution of 99.2% 15N-enriched alumichrome in [ 2H 6]Me 2SO were recorded at 10.13 MHz. The signals of all the nine nitrogens in this molecule were well resolved. The chemical shifts of the six peptide backbone resonances show good agreement with values previously determined on the basis of indirect 1H-{ 15N} detection. The three metal-bound side chain hydroxamate nitrogens are partially inequivalent in the 15N spectrum, which is consistent with a distorted octahedral configuration of the ligands. This observation is complementary to the chemical shift pattern exhibited by the carbonyl 13C resonances of the hydroxamate groups, providing support for the hypothesis of electron density shifts (charge relay) between N and CO in amides. The 1H- 15N dipolar and scalar spin-coupling interactions could be distinguished and measured by recording undecoupled spectra and { 1H}- 15N decoupled spectra under various gated 1H-noise irradiation routines. The ornithyl and glycyl amide 15N resonances are clearly distinguishable from their different patterns of heteronuclear spin-coupling to one or two 1H α's respectively. The 15N longitudinal relaxation times, T 1 and the 15N-{ 1H} nuclear Overhauser enhancements were measured. The Overhauser data clearly showed that 1H- 15N dipole-dipole interactions are the dominant relaxation mechanisms for all the nitrogen nuclei, the relaxation times for the protonated amide nitrogens being approximately 20 times shorter than those for the non-protonated hydroxamate nitrogens. The rotational correlation time calculated from the 15N T 1 data under the assumption of isotropic rotational tumbling, τ r ≈ 3.8 · 10 −10 s, is in good agreement with previously reported values, τ r ≈ 4.1 · 10 −10 s, estimated from 13C spin-lattice relaxation experiments at 25.1 and 90.5 MHz. Relative to the triornithyl region of the peptide backbone, the triglycyl amides exhibit somewhat longer relaxation times. Upon replacement of the amide protons by deuterons, the peptidyl resonances in alumichrome were broadened and could be detected only after prolonged spectrum accumulation in the absence of 1H irradiation. 1H noise decoupling resulted in almost complete nulling of the deuterated amide nitrogens' resonances. This study clearly shows the present advantage of 15N-isotope enrichment for structural investigations of peptides and proteins by 15N-NMR spectroscopy.
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