The Maghreb Review, Vol. 41, 1, 2016 © The Maghreb Review 2016 This publication is printed on longlife paper THESES ABSTRACTS IN ENGLISH ON LIBYA 1936–2012 COMPILED AND EDITED BY MOHAMED BEN-MADANI EDITORIAL NOTE Given the large number of theses that are covered in this compilation, we think it best to dedicate this issue of The Maghreb Review to Libyan Theses as it will be a useful reference tool for students, scholars and librarians for years to come. The following theses abstracts in English on Libya covering all fields of research, are published here for the benefit of interested scholars and students. These abstracts have not been included in any bibliographical work in the past and are arranged in Alphabetical order. The largest number of theses on Libya were presented in United Kingdom Universities (297) followed by United States universities (26), Canada (1), Ireland (3) and Sweden (1). We have included some older theses which were not included in our Abstracts of English Language Theses on Libya that was published in Volume 23, Nos. 1-4, 1998. In earlier Volumes we have published similar Abstracts on Morocco (Volume 26, Nos. 2-4, 2001, Volume 39, No. 4, 2014, and Volume 38, No. 2, 2013), Algeria (Volume 27, Nos. 2-4, 2012), Tunisia (Volume 24, Nos. 3-4, 1999), Maghreb (Volume 21, Nos. 3-4, 1996) and Mauritania, (Volume 24, Nos. 1-2, 1999). These Volumes are still available and can be ordered through our website: Some theses included here are comparatively short (as few as 74 pages!) and beg the question as to how closely supervised they were and how stringent the criteria are for awarding a PhD in some institutions. 4 COMPILED AND EDITED BY MOHAMED BEN-MADANI ABSTRACTS THAT ARE CURRENTLY INACCESSIBLE The following titles are those theses which I have not been able to access. Some are still under embargo imposed by the authors and will not be publicly accessible for many years. Aburdene, Odeh Felix, An Analysis of the Impact of the Economies of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Libya and Saudi Arabia upon the United States Balance of Payments for the period 1963-1968, PhD., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University), 1974 Alkhazmi, Rajab Abdussalam, Preliminary Study of the Geology and Geochemistry of Jabal arkeno Ring Complex, Southeast Libya, PhD., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 1981 Askew, William C, Europe and Italy’s Acquisition of Libya: A Study in Mediterranean Politics and European Alignments, 1911-1912, PhD., Duke University 1936. Brown, Robert Wylie, A Spatial View of Oil Development in the Desert: Libyan in the First Decade, 1955-1965, PhD., Columbia University 1970. Cuthbertson, Susan Elyse, Politics, empire, and the Italian Nation, 1896-1949 (Libya, Somalia), PhD., University of Virginia, 2006. Dafer, Mohsen Ahmed, An Evaluation of the Educational Psychology Program at Alfateh University, Tripoli, Libya, PhD., The University of New Mexico, 1980. El-Zein, Salah, A, The Tuareq of South-Western Libya, PhD., Hull University, 1979. Feder, Milton, Great Power Relations in the Origin and development of the Kingdom of Libya, PhD., University of Michigan, 1960. Finaish, Mohamed Ali, Libya’s Petroleum Policy, PhD., University of Southern California, 1972. Fowler, Gary Lane, Italian Agricultural colonization in Tripolitania, Libya, PhD., Syracuse University, 1969. Ghuma, Mohamed Ali, The Geology and Geochemistry of the Ben Ghnema Batholith Tibisti Massif, Southern Libya, L.A.R., PhD., Rice University, 1976. Hammuda, Omar Suleiman, Eocene Biostratigraphy of the Derna area, Northeast Libya, PhD., University of Colorado at Boulder, 1973. Khalidi, Ismail Raghib, Constitutional Development in Libya, PhD., Columbia University, 1957. Khoja, Elhadi Razzagh, Petrography and Diagnosis of Lower Paleocene Carbonate Reservoir Rock, Dahra Field, Libya, PhD., Rice University, 1971. Ranck, Gary Laval, The Rodents of Libya: Taxonomy, Ecology and Zoogeographical Relationships, PhD., The University of Utah, 1966. THESES ABSTRACTS IN ENGLISH ON LIBYA 1936–2012 5 ABSTRACTS Abdalaziz, Mohamed, Measuring taxable capacity in Libya, PhD., University of Gloucestershire, 2012. This thesis measures the tax effort and taxable capacity in Libya and examines an important research question: “Has the tax burden reached the level of full tax capacity in Libya?” The main motivation of the study is the need to diversify the sources of the...
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