The study of multi-way channels was initiated by Shannon in his basic paper “Two-way communication channels” ( Shannon, 1961 ). Ahlswede (1971b) has defined and classified multi-way channels of various kinds and proved simple characterizations for the capacity regions of channels with (a) two senders and one receiver, and (b) three senders and one receiver. Subsequently, Ahlswede (1974) found a new approach to the coding problem for a channel with two senders and one receiver which led to an alternative characterization of the capacity region of this channel. This approach seems to be more canonical than the earlier one, and was used successfully in determining the capacity region of a channel with two senders and two receivers in case both senders send messages simultaneously to both receivers ( Ahlswede, 1974 ). In the earlier paper, Ahlswede conjectured that the results of that paper would hold for any channel with s ⩾ 2 senders and one receiver. A conjecture of the later paper was that its results would hold for any channel with s ⩾ 2 senders and r ⩾ 1 receivers in case all senders send independent messages simultaneously to all receivers. In this paper, we have proved the latter conjecture to be true. The characterization we get for the special case s = 3 and r = 1 is different from that of Ahlswede's (1971b) earlier paper. All of our results are obtained under the assumption of independent sources.
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