The microservices architecture simplifies application development by breaking monolithic applications into manageable microservices. However, this distributed microservice “service mesh” leads to new challenges due to the more complex application topology. Particularly, each service component scales up and down independently creating load imbalance problems on shared backend services accessed by multiple components. Traditional load balancing algorithms do not port over well to a distributed microservice architecture where load balancers are deployed client-side. In this article, we propose a self-managing load balancing system, BLOC, which provides consistent response times to users without using a centralized metadata store or explicit messaging between nodes. BLOC uses overload control approaches to provide feedback to the load balancers. We show that this performs significantly better in solving the incast problem in microservice architectures. A critical component of BLOC is the dynamic capacity estimation algorithm. We show that a well-tuned capacity estimate can outperform even join-the-shortest-queue, a nearly optimal algorithm, while a reasonable dynamic estimate still outperforms Least Connection, a distributed implementation of join-the-shortest-queue. Evaluating this framework, we found that BLOC improves the response time distribution range, between the 10th and 90th percentiles, by 2 –4 times and the tail, 99th percentile, latency by 2 times.
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