Introduction 4 N experimental program to obtain local measurements -L*of wake turbulence behind projectiles by means of a hotwire anemometer has been initiated, and preliminary results have been obtained. It is worth emphasizing that the measured turbulence was local, the sample being no longer than the length of the hot wire (0.05 in.). This length is much shorter than the sampling length of the various summing techniques (schlieren, interferometer, etc.), which produce integrated information only after the beam has passed completely through the wake once or twice. Inasmuch as the available data from local turbulence measurements behind projectiles is very limited, the present results are unique in producing a quantity of valuable information in a short time. The kind of turbulence observed in wakes behind projectiles bears some similarity to the homogeneous shear-flow turbulence that can be analyzed theoretically. In both situations, the turbulence is stimulated initially and then decays. On the other hand, projectile wakes exhibit intermittency and compressibility effects that are not amenable to theoretical treatment at present. Local properties of wake turbulence, such as correlation length scales, are needed for the radar backscatter problem. Backscatter has been estimated analytically, using assumptions of self-preserving turbulence. Current needs for comparable measurements are striking. As a first step, the present measurements behind 0.22caliber projectiles traveling at 4000 fps have been accomplished with modest expenditures. Turbulent time scales were derived from records of hot-wire heat loss. These correlation time scales exhibit acceptable trends over 10,000 diameters of projectile travel, but they are not immediately convertible into the needed space scales.