The development of renewable energy is not only an urgent solution for addressing climate change but also a driving force for sustainable economic growth. The transition to clean, inexhaustible energy sources not only helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment but also ensures national energy security, creates employment opportunities, and enhances the quality of life for individuals. Presently, various technologies exist for sustainable energy development, each characterized by multiple criteria, complicating the evaluation of their performance. This study presents a straightforward method for identifying the best option among eight sustainable energy development alternatives: hydropower, geothermal, biomass, wind, solar, concentrated solar power, coal technology, and oil-fired power plants, each of which is characterized by 17 distinct criteria. The simple method utilized is the Preference Selection Index (PSI) method, which eliminates the need for criteria weighting. This absence of criteria weight calculation in the PSI method distinguishes it from other ranking techniques that typically require such calculations. Therefore, the PSI method significantly simplifies the comparison of the available options compared to other ranking methods, as it bypasses the need for criteria weight calculations. The optimal option identified through the PSI method was also compared with the optimal option identified using 6 other methods: Multi Atributive Ideal Real Com parative Analysis (MAIRCA), Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS), COmplex PRroportional ASsessment (COPRAPS), Multiobjective Optimization On the basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA), Proximity Indexed Value (PIV), and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Notably, all employed methods consistently identified geothermal energy as the optimal choice.
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