Calculation of evaporation is needed for a variety of water pools in many applications under diverse conditions. Many prediction methods have been published including one by the present author. An improved model is presented here that shows good agreement with data that include natural and forced convection, laboratory vessels, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, and spent fuel pools of nuclear power plants. The range of data includes pool area from 0.022 to 525 m2, water temperatures from 7 °C to 94 °C, air temperatures from 6 °C to 51 °C, relative humidity from 16% to 98%, and air velocity up to 1.9 m/s. These data from 24 studies are predicted with a mean absolute deviation of 13.9%. The same data are also compared to a number of other prediction methods; their deviations from data are much larger. In view of its good agreement with such a wide range of data from many sources, the proposed model is recommended for use in design and analysis.