Sixteen patients ranging from 19 to 68 years-old were studied with Chronic Heredofamilial Migraine with Aura. The following symptoms were associated to chronic heredofamilial migraine: dizziness, vertigo, syncope, redness eye, photophobia, blurred vision and reduced and loss of vision, scintillant scotomas, dizziness, ears noise, temporospatial disorientation, memory disorders, effort dyspnea, asthenia, son phobia, nausea, vomits, and social, labor and home stress. The followings symptoms were interpreted as migraine auras: Blurred vision and reduced and loss of vision, scintillant scotomas, dizziness, ears noise. The following comorbidities were found: syncope, bradycardia, mitral prolapse and tachycardia, effort dyspnea, asthenia, seizures, environment, labor and home stress, sleep disorders or insomnia and constipation. The followings aspects were discussed: migraine and prodroms, migraine and vascular diseases, migrainous vertigo and dizziness, symptoms related to the visual system in migraine, migraine and sleep disorders, hemiplegic migraine, neural correlates of migraine, histamine and migraine, the calcitonin gene-related peptide in migraine and its role in migraine physiopathology, and migraine genetic