This case is an example of a condition first described by Verse in 1912, and called by him “Calcinosis Universalis.”. Several cases have been published since, notably by Morse in 1921, Schulz in 1923, Tidsdall and Erb in 1924, Wilans, Gustav and Derby in 1926, with further investigations on the same case in 1931 by Bauer, Marble and Bennett. Craig and Lyall in 1931, and Skossogorenko in 1932. In 1923, Longmead published an article on the “Relationship between certain rare diseases, Scheroderma, Calcinosis, Dermatomyositos and Myositis Fibrosa.” Dr. Courtney Gage at a meeting of the Radiological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, in May 1932, also described the condition in three cases he had encountered recently. The comparative rarity of the condition, and its different manifestations in individual cases, seem, however, to warrant the publication of this case. The patient was a man aged 57. He showed very pronounced premature senility, looking much older. His hair was thin and quite white. The gen...