Defined here as ‘essentially in place calcareous deposits created by sessile organisms’, Organic Reefs are diverse and complex structures with a long geological history. Their classification has been the subject of fierce debate, often characterized by reliance on subjective features such as wave-resistance and qualitative attempts to discriminate between ‘first’ and ‘second class’ reefs. In contrast, emphasis is here placed on the objective characteristic of the type of sedimentary support, which largely determines the sedimentary composition of the deposit. Constructional and depositional processes result in three principal sedimentary components: matrix (M), essentially in place skeletons (S) and cavity/ cement (C), whose proportions can be represented on MSC triangular plots. Separately or together, these components also provide the structural support for the reef. On these compositional and structural bases, three main categories of Organic Reef are recognized: 1. Matrix-supported reefs (Agglutinated Microbial Reefs, Cluster Reefs, Segment Reefs), 2. Skeleton-supported reefs (Frame Reefs), 3. Cement-supported reefs (Cement Reefs). Agglutinated Microbial Reefs: possess laminated, clotted, or aphanitic fabrics created by microbial trapping of particulate sediment; in place skeletons and large primary cavities are rare; early cementation may provide added support; topographic relief is limited by the need for currents to provide sediment to accreting surfaces. Cluster Reefs: skeletal reefs in which essentially in place skeletons are adjacent, but not in contact, resulting in matrix support; characterized by relatively high matrix/skeleton ratios and low volumes of extra-skeletal early cement. Sediment trapping is an important corollary of skeletal growth and Cluster Reef organisms are tolerant of loose sediment. Absence of framework limits the topographic relief that Cluster Reefs can attain relative to spatial extent, and may permit bedding to develop within the reef. Close Cluster Reefs have skeletons up to 1 unit-distance apart. Spaced Cluster Reefs have skeletons more than 1, and up to 2 unit-distances apart; with increasing separation of skeletons they grade to level-bottom communities. Segment Reefs: matrix-supported reefs in which skeletons are adjacent, and may be in contact, but are mostly disarticulated and mainly parauthochtonous. Matrix abundance is high, and early cement relatively low. Moderate relief can develop in response to intense on-reef sediment production. Frame Reefs: skeletal reefs in which essentially in place skeletons (including calcified microbes) are in contact; characterized by relatively high skeleton/matrix ratio. Skeletal support enables them to raise themselves above the substrate independently of cementation and particulate sedimentation. Simultaneously, by creating partly open shelter cavities, skeletal support may facilitate early cementation. Both relief and early lithification promote marginal talus formation. Skeletal shape and orientation distinguish: conical/stick-like, dendritic, domical, and laminar frames. Each of these may be open or filled. Open Frame Reefs: cavities remain open during the early stages of reef growth and are occupied by cryptic encrusters, early cements and internal sediment; exposed skeleton encourages endoliths. Filled Frame Reefs: inter-skeletal spaces penecontemporaneously occluded by surficial sediment during reef-growth. Cement Reefs: reefs created by cementation of essentially in place organisms. Cement provides strength and volume, mimicking skeletal growth, and can form on non-skeletal as well as skeletonized organisms. Non-skeletal Cement Reefs: created by synsedimentary cementation of essentially in place non-skeletal organisms. This converts a soft deposit with relatively poor preservation potential into a rigid lithified mass: e.g., Tufa Cement Reefs (phytoherms) in rivers and lakes and possibly Travertine Cement Reefs associated with hot springs. If the organisms are skeletal, synsedimentary cementation imparts extra strength and stability to what otherwise would be a Cluster or Frame Reef, and results in Skeleton–Cement Reefs. Cement Reefs exhibit complex relationships between cement, matrix and skeletons. Agglutinated Microbial, Cluster and Segment reefs tend to be structurally simple, have low primary relief, and may show bedding. Frame (including microbial Microframe) and Cement Reefs tend to be unbedded, structurally complex, and can have high relief. Carbonate Mud Mounds: carbonate mud-dominated deposits with topographic relief and few or no stromatolites, thrombolites or in place skeletons. Low Relief Carbonate Mud Mounds are typically thin. High Relief Carbonate Mud Mounds are thick, and internal bedding, slumping, stromatactis cavity systems, and steep marginal slopes may be common. Whereas Organic Reefs are biogenic, calcareous, and are created by essentially in place organisms, Carbonate Mud Mounds can be organic and/or inorganic in origin and it can be difficult to distinguish their origins.
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